Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Studies help reshape 1066 country transport system

Cllr Carl MaynardTRANSPORT experts are hitting the streets of Hastings and Bexhill to conduct a series of studies aimed at improving conditions at key road links in both towns.

East Sussex County Council has commissioned consultants Amey to identify potential ways of reducing congestion at traffic hot spots and improving pedestrian, cycle and bus links along key routes. Continue reading

Extended opportunity to discuss Uckfield waste sites issues

RecyclingIN RESPONSE to public interest in Uckfield waste issues, an information session for local residents to give them the opportunity to find out more about potential new locations for waste sites has been extended.

The level of interest in the East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and South Downs National Park’s Waste and Minerals Sites Plan has prompted an extension to the drop-in session at Uckfield Library on Wednesday, November 25. It will now run from 10am to 7pm. Continue reading