Category Archives: Uncategorized

Changes to school transport support are given the go ahead

Cllr Nick BennettCHANGES to school and college transport for students over the age of 16 from low income families, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will go ahead.

Following a consultation earlier this year, East Sussex County Council’s lead member agreed changes to the service that will save the authority more than a million pounds. Continue reading

Link Road tree planting work continues

Tree planting near Marline Valley Woods, north of Hastings, as part of the environmental improvement work for the new Bexhill to Hastings Link RoadTREE planting is continuing as part of the environmental improvement work for the new Bexhill to Hastings Link Road.

More than 6,000 trees have been planted near Marline Valley Woods, next to Queensway, in Hastings, while a new management scheme for existing trees has been introduced which will ensure the area is managed as a woodland glade. Continue reading

Plans for a more efficient mobile library service are given the go ahead

CHANGES to mobile library services which will help save the taxpayer more than £130,000 a year have been approved by East Sussex County Council.

A total of 90 stops made by the mobile library will remain unaffected, while 16 stops will be combined. Visits to 21 care home and sheltered housing settings will be replaced by existing alternative service. Watch our video with Councillor Chris Dowling, lead member for community services.

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