Get inspired to get active in 2024

Being more physically active has been compared to a wonder drug because of the huge range of benefits it offers to everyone, no matter your age, state of health, or disability. Getting more active can help to control weight, reduce the risk of serious diseases like cardiac problems and diabetes, and improve your mood and sleep.

That’s why the Public Health team at East Sussex County Council, in partnership with Active Sussex and other partners across the county, have launched the #GettingEastSussexMoving social media campaign. The campaign highlights and celebrates a range of support to get active, as well as the wonderful locations to get moving across our county.

The campaign began in September 2023 and is running for a year. Each month has a different theme to encourage and motivate you to try different activities and inspire you to get moving more.

Themes so far have included:

  • the benefits of getting active in nature – be it woodlands, walking trails, lakes, or beaches,
  • ways to stay active indoors during the winter weather,
  • encouragement and advice on how to become a bit more active in 2024.

Up next – one of February’s themes is around the support available to stay active if you live with a long-term health condition or disability. People with a long-term health condition or disability are twice as likely to be physically inactive, yet four in five disabled people and 64 per cent of those living with long-term health conditions would like to be more active. You might experience barriers to getting more active if you have a long-term condition or are disabled, for example, if you’re worried about whether physical activity might make your condition worse, or if you require some extra support to take part. Exercise and movement can be helpful in managing health conditions and the symptoms associated with them, and the campaign highlights support in overcoming barriers you might face, to help you take part and get the benefits.

Watch this short video to hear people with lung conditions in the Bexhill area talk about the different ways they’ve benefitted from support classes run by Helen, a specialist trainer: A Workforce for an Active Nation: Helen’s Story (

In February you can also look out for information on the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, which aims to tackle the gender gap in physical activity. The campaign shares stories celebrating women getting more active, and offers advice for dealing with nervousness, juggling life, staying motivated, and more.

Here are some more themes coming up soon from the Getting East Sussex Moving campaign:

  • places to stay active in the community,
  • gardening and growing activities,
  • walking and cycling,
  • a summer of sports,
  • accessing activities in parks and on the water.

Look out for the hashtag #GettingEastSussexMoving on social media to follow the campaign, or visit Getting East Sussex Moving | East Sussex County Council.

What’s the best activity you can do? It’s whatever activity you want to keep doing! Why not use the campaign to inspire you to take up an activity you’ll love?