Yearly Archives: 2017

‘Treat mental and physical health equally’

Top 10 tips for mental health in schools posterYOUNG people in East Sussex have designed and produced a booklet advising schools how to support pupils’ mental health and wellbeing.

The booklet and accompanying posters, launched to mark World Mental Health Day on Tuesday, October 10 2017, were devised by young people from the East Sussex Youth Cabinet and Download mental health participation group. Continue reading

Residents urged to Stand Up For East Sussex

People in East Sussex are being urged to stand up for their county by calling on the Government to give them a fairer deal.

Today’s launch of the campaign Stand Up For East Sussex asks residents to sign a petition to the Prime Minister which calls for an urgent rethink on the resources the county receives. It warns that real hardship will result if the particular needs of East Sussex are not taken into account, with the public services many residents rely on stretched beyond their limit. Continue reading