Author Archives: karenb

One in two smokers will die early – new campaign

A HARD-hitting and heart-wrenching campaign launches today (Monday, September 2 2019) across East Sussex highlighting the devastating impact of tobacco on smokers and their loved ones.

The ‘Be There Tomorrow’ campaign urges smokers to quit now using local help available to them.
An estimated 62,000 East Sussex residents smoke and, in the coming year, more than 1,000 adults in the county are predicted to die of smoking-related diseases. Continue reading

East Sussex celebrates rise in GCSE achievement

East Sussex students were celebrating GCSE success today with improved results across the county.

Average grades were up on 2018 across the full range of headline measures. And there was a particularly strong performance in English and Maths where the proportion of students getting higher grades (9-4) rose from 62 per cent last year to 64 per cent this year. Continue reading