Category Archives: Adult Social Care

Former rough sleepers benefit from training

A SCHEME that helps those at risk of homelessness find work and training opportunities is being rolled out following a successful pilot.

Plumpton College recently welcomed a group from the Rough Sleepers Initiative for an eight-week training programme in local parks which included a mixture of activities to support wellbeing, a City and Guilds Level 1 qualification in Horticulture Studies, and work experience alongside land management company Idverde. Continue reading

Almost £4m extra winter help for households most in need

Residents struggling to feed themselves, heat their homes or pay water bills may qualify for extra financial help this winter.

The Government’s Household Support Fund has allocated £3.9 million to East Sussex to help ease the pressures on hardest-hit residents between November and March.

Anyone who receives a means-tested benefit can apply for help to the borough or district council in the area they live.

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