Category Archives: Adult Social Care

Bus pass rules relaxed to support vaccinations

BusCONCESSIONARY bus pass holders will soon be able to travel before 9.30am in a bid to support the COVID vaccination programme.

From Monday, January 18, East Sussex County Council will temporarily relax the rules to help elderly and vulnerable residents travel to early morning COVID-19 vaccination appointments. Continue reading

Covid Winter Grant Scheme offers help to vulnerable families

HOUSEHOLDS across the county who are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic will get help this winter from East Sussex County Council thanks to financial support worth more than £1.5million.

The council is receiving the funding through the Government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme which aims to support those most in need with the cost of food, energy and water bills, and other associated costs.

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Local support for NHS Test & Trace launches

A NEW service has just gone live to support the national NHS Test and Trace system.

Working from West Sussex County Council’s COVID-19 Community Hub, the service will take on responsibility for contacting individuals across East and West Sussex who have received a positive COVID-19 test result, but were unable to be contacted by the national NHS Test and Trace team within 48 hours. Continue reading