Category Archives: Economy

Flying the flag for apprenticeships

COUNCIL leaders are showing their support for training in the workplace by flying the flag for National Apprenticeship Week.

Apprentices working at East Sussex County Council, and in its schools, joined council leader Cllr Keith Glazier and Chief Executive Becky Shaw to raise the flag at County Hall on Monday, March 4. Continue reading

East Sussex youth can ‘blaze a trail’ with an apprenticeship

THE benefits of apprenticeships in helping young people launch a successful career are being highlighted in East Sussex as part of a national initiative.

Apprenticeships - Blaze Your Own Trail

To mark National Apprenticeship Week, which runs from March 4 to 8 2019 under the theme ‘Blaze A Trail’, East Sussex County Council is working with Apprenticeships in Sussex to promote events across the county.

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