Category Archives: Economy

Urgent need for fair funding, council leaders tell Minister

Leaders from East Sussex have taken the case for fair funding right to the heart of Government.

Cllr Keith Glazier and Cllr David Elkin, leader and deputy leader of East Sussex County Council, met Liz Truss MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury on Thursday (December 6), to explain the pressures the county and its people are under. Continue reading

Major improvement scheme scaled back for festivities

SHOPPERS searching for the perfect Christmas presents will be given room to roam as work to transform Eastbourne town centre is scaled back.

As the festivities get into full swing, fencing will is being reduced and machinery moved to reveal more of the new paving laid as part of the major scheme to revitalise the centre. Continue reading

Have your say on council’s core offer

Cllr Keith GlazierPEOPLE in East Sussex are being asked to give their views on a council’s plan for the future of services amid the continuing difficult financial climate.

East Sussex County Council’s ‘core offer’, which was considered by Cabinet on Tuesday, November 13 2018, outlines what it calls the ‘basic but decent’ level of service residents should be entitled to expect in the years to come. Continue reading