Category Archives: Economy

Have your say on council’s core offer

Cllr Keith GlazierPEOPLE in East Sussex are being asked to give their views on a council’s plan for the future of services amid the continuing difficult financial climate.

East Sussex County Council’s ‘core offer’, which was considered by Cabinet on Tuesday, November 13 2018, outlines what it calls the ‘basic but decent’ level of service residents should be entitled to expect in the years to come. Continue reading

Career support boosted by launch of East Sussex hub

A SCHEME to improve careers guidance and support for secondary school students across East Sussex has been officially launched.

The East Sussex Careers Hub will link all secondary schools, special schools and colleges with employers, support organisations and higher and further education providers. Continue reading

Major projects boost careers and employment

Young people from St Catherine’s College, Eastbourne, on their ‘Open Doors’ visit with Mildren, contractor for the Eastbourne Town Centre Improvement SchemeEMPLOYMENT and career prospects of adults and young people in East Sussex are being boosted by two major improvement schemes.

The contractors behind the Eastbourne Town Centre Improvement Scheme and Newhaven Port Access Road have pledged to provide jobs and work experience and to forge close links with local schools and colleges. Continue reading