Category Archives: Libraries

Donated books chosen by teenagers hit library shelves

Much ado1A NEW range of books chosen by teenagers, for teenagers is being added to the shelves of Newhaven and Seaford libraries thanks to a generous donation.

As part of their Prospero Project, Alfriston-based Much Ado Books raised £2,500 for the new titles by selling Christmas stockings over the festive period. Continue reading

Library move reminder as revamp begins

LibraryPEOPLE in Hastings are being reminded that work is about to begin on a major library refurbishment scheme due to last for more than a year.

Hastings Library, in Claremont, closes on Saturday, February 20 2016 at 5pm, and is due to reopen in Spring 2017 as East Sussex County Council contractors work on a complete overhaul of the building. Continue reading