Category Archives: Roads

Be #deeraware and stay safe on rural roads

MOTORISTS in East Sussex are being urged to be ‘deer aware’ in the coming months to avoid colliding with the animals on rural roads.

Every year there are an estimated 74,000 deer-related traffic collisions in the UK. Deer cross roads all year round but the risk of encountering the animals increases in April and May when young deer are born.

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Economy-boosting access road opens to traffic

A NEW road which will improve transport links and boost Newhaven’s economy has officially opened to traffic.

The Newhaven Port Access Road is an integral part of the Newhaven Enterprise Zone, creating direct access to East Quay and allocated development land, opening up 80,000 sq m of business space and allowing the creation of new jobs. Continue reading

Budget brings boost for vital services

MILLIONS of pounds are set to be invested in climate change efforts, the county’s road network and other vital services as spending plans win the backing of councillors.

East Sussex County Council approved a £453 million budget for 2022/23 for the day-to-day provision of services and £753 million for capital investment, which includes a commitment to spend an additional £6 million to help combat climate change and £31 million to maintain and improve roads and pavements over the next decade. Continue reading