Category Archives: Waste and recycling

Recycling success leads to new waste targets

MRF Recycling Plant in Brighton. Internal processing and external architectural photographs taken on 28th May 2010.CHALLENGING new waste targets have been set for East Sussex following the success of previous efforts to boost recycling and divert waste away from landfill.

Since publishing a 20 year strategy in 2006 for managing the county’s waste in a sustainable way, the amount recycled and reused has almost doubled and the amount sent to landfill has dropped by more than 90 per cent. Continue reading

Cabinet to discuss alternative waste sites plan

IMG_9016 (Small)THREE closure-threatened waste sites in East Sussex could remain open under plans being considered by senior councillors.

East Sussex County Council had proposed closing household waste recycling centres in Forest Row, Seaford and Wadhurst as the authority faces a reduction in funding of around £70 million over the next three years. Continue reading

Last chance to give your views on county waste strategy

Waste-MRF-BTN-PF-024 (Small)THERE are just days left for East Sussex residents to give their views on the county’s strategy to deal with household waste between 2014 and 2025.

The strategy, a consultation on which ends on Wednesday, December 11, includes targets for recycling and diverting waste from landfill and identifies savings with the proposed closure of three household waste and recycling sites. Continue reading