Category Archives: Young people

Successful Careers Hub to be extended to primary schools

PRIMARY school pupils will soon be inspired by the world of work as the county council is named the only local authority to lead on a Government pilot.

East Sussex County Council will be awarded £145,000 to extend its successful East Sussex Careers Hub to cover primary school children from the age of five, in a one year pilot. Continue reading

East Sussex kids’ favourite book named

A MYSTERY adventure in which a boy’s life changes forever when a giant sinkhole appears under his home has been named East Sussex children’s favourite book.

The Jewelled Jaguar, by Sharon Tregenza, came first in a poll of county schoolchildren to claim top prize in the East Sussex Children’s Book Awards, at a ceremony at Eastbourne’s Royal Hippodrome Theatre attended by 130 children. Continue reading

First birthday celebrations for successful careers hub

COUNCIL and education leaders are celebrating a year of successes from a scheme aimed at improving careers advice and support for students across the county.

East Sussex Careers Hub launched in 2018 to link secondary schools, special schools and colleges with employers, further education providers and universities to improve aspirations enable students to learn about the world of work and make informed choices about their futures. Continue reading