Category Archives: Adult Social Care

Creative projects aim to tackle lockdown strain

Five new projects are launching in the community this month to explore creative ways to overcome the strains of lockdown and think about public health and wellbeing beyond COVID.

Commissioned by East Sussex County Council Cultural Strategy and Public Health staff, the Everyday Creativity programme is being managed by Lewes-based arts charity Culture Shift, with each project being led by different creative organisations.

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Project explores creative ways to survive lockdown

AN AMBITIOUS new project designed to explore creative ways to survive the strains of lockdown is launching across East Sussex.

Groups hardest hit by the effects of Covid-19 and the restrictions in place to slow the spread of the virus are being invited to use creative pursuits such as music, art, photography and writing, to express their feelings and connect with others. Continue reading

Participants sought for community research project

OLDER residents in Rye and Robertsbridge are being asked to share their experiences of life in rural Rother to help improve their communities for the future.

Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) is a research and community action project, funded by Interreg 2 Seas and the EU’s European Regional Development Fund, that aims to empower and enable older people to define what support they need, reduce loneliness, and improve health and wellbeing.

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