Category Archives: Community Services

Creative projects aim to tackle lockdown strain

Five new projects are launching in the community this month to explore creative ways to overcome the strains of lockdown and think about public health and wellbeing beyond COVID.

Commissioned by East Sussex County Council Cultural Strategy and Public Health staff, the Everyday Creativity programme is being managed by Lewes-based arts charity Culture Shift, with each project being led by different creative organisations.

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Think twice before visiting household waste sites

Residents are being urged to avoid rushing to the county’s household waste sites in the coming weeks and to think carefully about whether they really need to go.

As the weather improves and people start spring cleaning, carrying out DIY projects or tidying up the garden, the council is asking residents to consider whether they can safely store additional waste at home until they have a full car load, or dispose of or recycle it through the kerbside collections, rather than frequently visiting one of the waste sites. Residents carrying out larger DIY jobs may wish to consider hiring a skip.

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Information and support available for residents who have now been advised to shield

INFORMATION and support is available for residents in East Sussex who have recently been advised to shield because they have now been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) to coronavirus.

Residents who have been added to the CEV group recently will receive a letter or an email from the government explaining what this means.  East Sussex County Council will also be getting in touch with these residents via text message, email or letter to let them know about the information and support on offer locally.

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Virtual LGBTQ+ exhibition launched

A VIRTUAL exhibition exploring the experiences of young LGBTQ+ people in East Sussex has been launched during LGBT History Month.

Originally intended to form a travelling schools exhibition which was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic, artwork from the ‘LGBTQ+=Me: A skip, a hop and a jump’ project is now available to view online.

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