Category Archives: Economy

Economy-boosting access road opens to traffic

A NEW road which will improve transport links and boost Newhaven’s economy has officially opened to traffic.

The Newhaven Port Access Road is an integral part of the Newhaven Enterprise Zone, creating direct access to East Quay and allocated development land, opening up 80,000 sq m of business space and allowing the creation of new jobs. Continue reading

Budget brings boost for vital services

MILLIONS of pounds are set to be invested in climate change efforts, the county’s road network and other vital services as spending plans win the backing of councillors.

East Sussex County Council approved a £453 million budget for 2022/23 for the day-to-day provision of services and £753 million for capital investment, which includes a commitment to spend an additional £6 million to help combat climate change and £31 million to maintain and improve roads and pavements over the next decade. Continue reading

Vital support for creative and digital industries

HUNDREDS of East Sussex businesses have been helped by the South East Creatives business support programme, designed to support the creative, cultural and digital sectors across the region.

Set up by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership’s South East Creative Economy Network, the programme has awarded thousands of pounds in grant funding as well as providing free business support and advice to the local creative and digital industries since its launch in 2018.

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Former rough sleepers benefit from training

A SCHEME that helps those at risk of homelessness find work and training opportunities is being rolled out following a successful pilot.

Plumpton College recently welcomed a group from the Rough Sleepers Initiative for an eight-week training programme in local parks which included a mixture of activities to support wellbeing, a City and Guilds Level 1 qualification in Horticulture Studies, and work experience alongside land management company Idverde. Continue reading