PEOPLE are being asked to have their say on proposed changes to East Sussex children’s centres.
East Sussex County Council is consulting on proposals which would see five of its 31 sites ‘de-designated’ as children’s centres. Continue reading
PEOPLE are being asked to have their say on proposed changes to East Sussex children’s centres.
East Sussex County Council is consulting on proposals which would see five of its 31 sites ‘de-designated’ as children’s centres. Continue reading
AN EXCITING new opportunity to run a café for people visiting a new day service and library is being offered by East Sussex County Council in Seaford.
The council is calling for interested parties to come forward with their proposals for running the café as a stand-alone business. Continue reading
A ROAD junction in Eastbourne will be closed for resurfacing – but the work is being timed to avoid disruption to rush-hour traffic.
East Sussex County Council is resurfacing sections of Dittons Road and Rattle Road from Dittons Road roundabout to the junction of Lion Hill. Continue reading
TIME is running out for people to have their say on pharmacy services in East Sussex.
East Sussex County Council is asking people to take five minutes to complete a short questionnaire on its draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, which provides a ‘snapshot’ of services in the county. Continue reading