Category Archives: General

Council leaders commit to eradicating slavery and exploitation

Council leaders have pledged their commitment to becoming a Slavery Free Community by 2030.

The Modern Slavery Pledge, signed by Council Leader Councillor Keith Glazier, the lead member for Communities and Safety Councillor Bill Bentley, and Chief Executive Becky Shaw, underlines the council’s commitment to Sussex-wide plans to end modern slavery and human trafficking.

The pledge coincides with the 10 year anniversary of UK Anti-Slavery Day which takes place this Sunday, October 18.

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Quit smoking this Stoptober

SMOKERS in East Sussex are being urged to join the 1 million across the UK who quit during the coronavirus lockdown and stop smoking during Stoptober.

The annual stop smoking challenge returns this October, and smokers across the county are being encouraged to put their lungs first, strengthen their immune system and breathe easier by giving quitting a go. Continue reading

Spending plans on track to avoid more savings

Cllr Keith GlazierNO NEW savings are being planned at this stage for next year’s council budget despite the unprecedented financial pressures of the Covid-19 response.

A report to East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet explains how careful financial planning and partnership working means that, for the first time in more than a decade, no additional cuts are currently being considered beyond those already set out at last year’s budget meeting. Continue reading