Category Archives: Governance Services

Report presents “best offer” to residents and calls for urgent action over funding

A REPORT kick-starting the next three years of business and financial planning looks ahead and presents a realistic picture of the baseline-only council services which may be offered in the face of intense pressures on East Sussex.

The State of the County report, being presented to Cabinet next week, sets out the strongest possible offer East Sussex County Council can aim to provide given reductions in funding, increased demand and rising costs. Continue reading

An open letter from Cllr Keith Glazier, Leader of the Council

Cllr Keith GlazierToday we made some decisions on the Adult Social Care savings proposals at the Cabinet meeting of East Sussex County Council. I want to stress that these have not been easy decisions.

There is a national crisis in social care funding, and when the Council agreed its budget for this financial year (2018/19) at its meeting on February 6 this included a reduction for Adult Social Care and Health of nearly £10 million. We are lobbying hard to get this problem addressed by Government, alongside other councils and all our partners involved in social care. Continue reading