Category Archives: Governance Services

Event to give insight into becoming a councillor

AN INFORMATION event will give members of the public considering becoming a voice for their communities an insight into the life of a councillor.

The online event on Tuesday, November 3, has been organised by East Sussex County Council to encourage people to consider putting themselves forward for the role ahead of county council elections in May next year. Continue reading

Spending plans on track to avoid more savings

Cllr Keith GlazierNO NEW savings are being planned at this stage for next year’s council budget despite the unprecedented financial pressures of the Covid-19 response.

A report to East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet explains how careful financial planning and partnership working means that, for the first time in more than a decade, no additional cuts are currently being considered beyond those already set out at last year’s budget meeting. Continue reading

Budget plans could include £6.5 million of investment

COUNCIL leaders will be asked to agree extra spending worth £6.5 million when they discuss the latest budget plans next week.

Although proposals will include £3.5 million of savings, East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to consider additional investment in roads and services for vulnerable adults and children as part of its £403 million spending on services for 2020/21. Continue reading