Category Archives: Schools and colleges

Free Food and Fun holiday club places available

PLACES are still available for eligible children on this summer’s Holiday Food and Fun programme.

Parents and carers are being reminded to book free places on the Department of Education funded scheme, which offers a range of holiday activities and nutritious food to children and young people who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals.

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Free holiday clubs support children this summer

A HOLIDAY Food and Fun programme, funded by the Department for Education, will be serving up free activities and food to support eligible children across East Sussex during the summer holidays.

Following the success of the first programme at Easter, 70 providers will be offering children and young people who are eligible for free school meals a range of activities, along with nutritious food and snacks, at 85 locations county wide in July and August.

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Council awarded green scheme grant funding

East Sussex County Council has taken a step closer to reaching its carbon neutral target by securing grant funding worth just under half a million pounds.

The council has successfully secured £478,423 from the government’s £1 billion Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme which provides grants for public sector bodies to fund energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation measures.

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