Yearly Archives: 2018

Library move will help make savings

Artist's impression of new Peacehaven LibraryRESIDENTS won’t have far to go to access library services when Peacehaven Library relocates to a different unit within the Meridian Shopping Centre in September 2018.

The move is part of the authority’s Libraries Transformation Programme, which aims to deliver a more efficient service while meeting the changing needs of residents and safeguarding provision. Continue reading

Health chiefs: ‘It’s not too late to have flu vaccine’

Cynthia Lyons, East Sussex acting director of public healthPEOPLE aged 65 and over and those in at-risk groups are being advised it’s not yet too late to have the flu vaccine.

The vaccine is available free on the NHS for people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, people with long-term medical conditions, care home residents, main carers for the elderly or disabled, children aged two to eight and health and care workers. Continue reading

Tough choices as Cabinet discusses £371million budget

COUNCIL leaders will meet next week to discuss how its £371million budget will continue to protect the most vulnerable as financial pressure builds.

East Sussex County Council’s cabinet will face tough choices as it looks at options to save a further £17 million in 2018/19 with the county’s funding being cut and demand for services rising. Continue reading