Category Archives: Economy

New scheme helps firms with regulation and growth

- Richard Strawson, East Sussex County Council team manager for Trading Standards (right), with David Taylor, from the Eastbourne-based Motion Picture Licensing CompanyBUSINESSES are being urged to sign up for a scheme which guides them through regulation and helps them ensure they stay within the law.

East Sussex County Council’s Trading Standards team has begun providing Primary Authority Partnerships, which offer a ‘one-stop shop’ for tailored advice and support on complying with consumer protection law. Continue reading

Career Hub boost for young people entering world of work

CAREERS provision for secondary school students is set to receive a boost as the county council is named one of 20 Careers Hubs nationwide.

The East Sussex Careers Hub will link 40 secondary schools, special schools and colleges with employers, support organisations and higher and further education providers to improve the guidance and support offered to students. Continue reading